The Learning Objectives and Trading Targets

Trading targets and Learning objectives are two interesting and inter-linked concepts in Forex trading. Newbies and novice traders mostly believe that trading targets are set as destination to reach at the end of a certain period. They set trading targets and then try to achieve those targets. Actually Forex trading is not about achieving targets. Most of the targets that traders set are actually not treated as an ultimate destination. Rather these targets are in fact their learning objectives that they tend to set for themselves. Mostly newbies set unreachable standards and performance targets that they fail to achieve. Then they lose hope and quit after losing their money.

Big Picture & Learning Objectives:
Most of newbies face the same scenario and then they feel discouraged. Instead you should look at the big picture. It is just like worrying for a bucket of water when you are about to win a swimming pool. Dear newbie, Forex trading is all about being persistent. So you need to stick to it. Do not give up too soon. The first and foremost learning objective of Forex trading is to keep track of the big picture. You need to focus on your long-term plan.

Dark Tunnel:
If you fail once, it does not mean that it is the dead end. Forex trading is a huge dark tunnel. Only those who take heart and continue to walk, reaches the end of the tunnel. Do not forget that the light of prosperity lies at the end of this tunnel. Thus try different trading strategies to survive the initial phase of Forex trading. You just need to devote your time to learn the basics of Forex trading. Then this time will pay you off in the form of noticeable profit in your trading account. Do not let your negative thoughts to discourage you. You need to learn that just thinking about failure often shuts our mind and judging abilities. Thus do not let this negativity swallow your zeal of trading so easily.

Everyday Trading and Trading Targets:
Similarly you cannot be over-confident about your success after winning in the first deal. You never know when this overconfidence may lead you to lose a treasure. You cannot let the outcomes of your everyday trade control your judgement. A calm composure is a must personality trait for becoming a successful Forex trader. You should treat your trading targets as your learning objectives. Only then you can learn the basics of trading and finally earn heaps of profit.

Publicado em: 10/03/2021 14:09